Caya is a soft, flexible, contoured diaphragm that covers the cervix. It is a hormone-free birth control alternative, with no side effects. It is woman-controlled and can be dispensed or prescribed by providers. It’s simple, effective birth control you provide.

Three ways to provide Caya to your patients


Dispense at Appointments

The quickest and most efficient way for them to obtain Caya is directly from you during their appointment.


Mail Order

Issue a Caya prescription for fulfillment via mail-order pharmacy with delivery directly to your patient’s home. 



Issue a Caya prescription for fulfillment and pick up at your patient’s local pharmacy.

How to Order Caya to Dispense

Dispensing Caya to patients benefits your practice and the patient. There are no minimum orders, educational info is included, and it increases practice income. Your ability to coach patients on insertion and usage (also see our EduCare Kits below) increases their comfort. Plus there are no prescription delays. Order from HPSRx, the only Caya distributor in the US via the links below.

New Customers

1. Fill out an application
2. Provide state license info
3. Receive a customer login

Existing Customers

1. Place order via online portal
2. Call or email to place order
3. Fax order to customer service

Which Patients might benefit from Caya?

Caya can be used by most women. However, it may be particularly ideal for those who don’t want hormones for either a specific medical reason or personal preference. 

  • Breast feeding
  • Under risk of thrombosis
  • Allergic to latex
  • Prefer natural planning
  • Prefer no side effects
  • Six-weeks post-pregnancy
  • Undergoing Cancer Treatment
  • Want a back-up contraception
  • Doesn’t need to regulate periods
  • Want a birth control they control

You might also review our Why Caya page to discover more about why women are using Caya.

EduCare Kit: Coaching in One Box

Single-use diaphragm*


Patient quick-info brochure

Caya IFU brochure

Our FREE Caya EduCare Kit simplifies the process of teaching your patients about Caya. Each purple box allow you to:

  • Educate the patient about insertion and removal
  • Show the patient how to clean and care for Caya
  • Provide the patient with take-home information

*Dispose of the single-use diaphragm (with the hole) after appointment. Do not let the patient take it home.

To order EduCare Kits today contact us at HPSRx via email or by calling 800-850-1657

Provider Resources & Brochures 

All of our printed provider guidelines are also here as PDFs. You can open or download them anytime, and please contact us for printed copies. 

Get More Information

To order Caya product or our free EduCare Kits, or for more information about the product, brochures and display materials for your office, please contact us at HPSRx via email or by calling 800-850-1657. Or you can use the form below.

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